How To Prevent Webpage Design Mistakes for Your Business Site

Creating a website is not just about slapping any web design on it and hoping to make the best out of it. A non-commercial website can get away with things that a commercial website cannot. Let’s look into some of the design aspects that you can’t afford to miss on

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One of the most important factors of effective web design is consistent navigation throughout your site. Plan your navigation early in the design stages because it has to be properly blended in well with everything else.

This is the part of the site that is rather mechanical, but it has to be treated like a design aspect because it does have an impact on the appearance. Your visitors shouldn’t need to search around to go from one page to another; one of the best web designs are all about user friendly interface where the user doesn’t have to think much. The navigation must be out of sight when not needed, or not thought about – but easy to see and use when it is needed.

Another important consideration are all those boring admin pages such as privacy policies and maybe terms of use, etc. It is well worth the money to buy what you need, and all you do is fill in the blanks and you’re done. People want to feel protected online, too, just like you need to protect yourself from frivolous legal hassles. There are a lot of other important reasons to have them, and it does not really matter if you just use them.

If your site will be for content, then make sure your content is the centerpiece of each page. You will find just about all serious content sites make just about no use of Flash. If you have a lot of graphics and photos, then some Flash may be fine – but you should compress images so the site loads quickly.

Another consideration is browser loading time, and if you are doing SEO then that is important. A Flash splash page is somewhat outdated, and honestly you do not see them used very often. This gives others the option to visit a non-flash page if they’re not in favor of it. There’s nothing called a ‘perfect web design’ because designing is an ongoing process that doesn’t end. You need to keep on working on your design to achieve the perfection in the eyes of your visitors.
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