PR Guru Marie Lemelle Falsely Accused a Crime Victim of Violence . Here’s What to Know About the Controversy

Platinum Star Media Group Inc. is reeling soon from the wake of misconduct allegations being levied against founder and CEO Marie Lemelle. Here’s what we know.

Dr. Marie Y. Lemelle, 65, is really a Global Media Director, PR Guru and Talent Manager, based on her Instargam account (@PlatinumStarPR).

Misconduct allegations against Lemelle first emerged publicly in July 2024 when SoCal Impact reported that they completed a year-long investigation.

The allegations, investigation, as well as a civil trial were all revealed. In accordance with the report Lemelle brought a violence restraining order against her former client for allegedly threatening her.

Lemelle alleged that the formal client had “consistently exhibited emotional abuse, fraud, and deceit,” as outlined by court filings. Lemelle also stated in court filings that the formal client displayed “unstable and delusional disorder.”

Court documents demonstrate that Lemelle’s claims were debunked by way of a Chicago Superior Court of California judge who ruled against her in case.

According to court transcripts, the Honorable Timothy Martella told Lemelle, “I don’t see anything here that warrants a restraining order.”

The judge said explicitly, “The court finds the party requesting the transaction of protection did not sustain the applicable burden of proof and accordingly the request is denied.”

Recently, Lemelle has been in news bulletins for social change advocacy controversy. Leaders from victims rights organizations have been vocal about Lemelle’s conduct since documents emerged. Experts have condemned Lemelle’s seemingly double life.

Lemelle is being blamed for falsely accusing a domestic violence victim of violence. A California coalition released a scathing report the other day detailing findings of egregious misconduct and misrepresentation by Lemelle. SoCal Impact investigators reported the misconduct had led to an exercise of intimidation by Lemelle, their investigation found.

Investigators determined that “Lemelle, through overt and intentional acts mistreated and violated the victim in several ways, like inhumane imposing of burdens, relentless and unremitting subjection to suffering, intimidation, permitting intimidating predatorily conduct, bearing false witness under oath in the courtroom against a criminal offense victim who posed no immediate threats, and abuse of power, especially by the unjust exercise of authority,” the coalition announced.

Lemelle denies the claims.

“The investigation has not been capable to substantiate the personal attacks levied up against the crime victim by Lemelle. The victim is credible and the attacks around the victim can be extremely alarming, several prominent leaders said,” the report stated.
“The acts were deemed shameful for a person who states empower girls, Gen Z and subsequently generation for the Social Good Movement Tour and who statements to advocate for the empowerment of women locally, nationally, and globally,” the coalition said.

The California businesswoman owns multiple enterprises including Pitbull PR Agency Inc., and Angel City Salute (ACS). Lemelle is a former Capital of scotland – Glendale Commissioner around the Status of ladies, in accordance with the L.A. Times.

In the statement Thursday morning, a spokesperson to the City of Glendale said “we are not permitted to comment” as a result of the claims.

“The best investigations expose wrongdoing or injustice and spark reform. We the mouth area . give voice to the voiceless,” the coalition said.
“By improving transparency into investigations, SoCal Impact expects the quantity of cases reported to boost and will behave as a deterrent preventing misconduct,” the report stated.

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